Licensing conditions

All materials (such as, but not limited to, text, graphics and images) of the ITRS – International Trail Rating System are licensed to Mischa Crumbach, Visp, Switzerland, and Edoardo Melchiori, Torino, Italy, under Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) with CC Plus “CC+” license.

If you feel the need to change the content of the ITRS, e.g., graphics, images or text, you have to contact us and we find a solution together. This allows all users of the ITRS to benefit from feedback and enhancements. That is the meaning of the license term “NoDerivatives”.

The CC+ allows commercial usage beyond the scope of this CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license as follows:
The materials of the ITRS can be used for the planning, building, description, signalization and marketing of mountain bike trails and routes for commercial purposes.

All other commercial use (such as, but not limited to, training and certifications) requires written permission that can be requested here.

The full creative commons license text can be found here:

Recommended ITRS attribution under the CC license:

All ITRS materials are licensed to Mischa Crumbach, Visp, Switzerland, and Edoardo Melchiori, Torino, Italy, under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0