The ITRS Consortium is pleased to announce the next round of training to become a Certified Trail Rater (ITRS Level 3).
After the first rounds of CTR training successfully held in 2024 we are ready to announce the first date for the 2025.

Who is this course for?
The CTR Training will cover Level 1, 2 & 3, it’s mandatory being an experienced mountain biker, ideally with a proven background in either bike guiding, skills training or trail building/maintenance and is aimed at professionals that want to work as trail raters offering their services to bike parks, trail areas, destinations and so forth.
This training can also be interesting for destinations that want to establish an own CTR, achieve a consistent quality of trail ratings and aspire an ITRS Destinations Certificate
What the course will include?
✔︎ 3 days training combining level 1,2 & 3 plus 1 day examination (training without examination is also possible)
✔︎ Theoretical and practical training to use the ITRS trail rating app
✔︎ Explanation of ITRS ecosystem and the roles within
✔︎ 1 day examination – candidates will rate a complete route and document that appropriately with the ITRS app
✔︎ This will be examined by an ITRS Expert to assure the candidate applies the ITRS correctly and consistently according to the required certification standards
✔︎ Detailed exam evaluation including a personal feedback session of 1.5 to 2 hours with each candidate and an individual report (see image below) with exam review and recommendations on areas to improve
✔︎ Successful candidates will obtain the “CTR – Certified Trail Rater” title and can commercially offer to rate trails under a license agreement
✔︎ Mandatory participation in annual online meetings of certified ITRS Trail Raters and ITRS experts to keep the title (free of charge – physical meetings can be attended on top but with a participation fee depending on the venue)

The training will take place from the 20th to the 22nd of May 2025 with the exam taking place on the 23rd.
The venue for the training will be the Educational centre St. Jodern in St. Jodernstrasse 17, Visp (Switzerland) and the close by trails.
The program
The four day ITRS Certified Trail Rater Training and Exam will be structured as it follows:
Day 0 (19th of May)
Travel day to Visp
Day 1
Theoretical and practical training on the fundamentals of ITRS (Level 1 & Level 2 training)
Day 2
Theoretical and practical training to use the ITRS trail rating app (Level 3 training)
Day 3
Theoretical and practical training to use the ITRS trail rating app (Level 3 training) + time for candidates to practice with the ITRS App and prepare for the exam
Day 4
Exam day: candidates will rate a complete route and document that appropriately with the ITRS app followed by a wrap up session. The evaluation meetings will be held individually online in the following days.
Day 5 (24th of May)
Travel day (travelling at the end of day 4 is also possible)

Costs and additional info
The cost for the training bundle for all 3 levels plus the exam will be offered at € 1.000 (instead of € 1.160) excl. 8.1% VAT and will include 1 year of access to the ITRS rating app (iOS only for now).
Terms of service can be found here.
Further details on the training can be found here.
Successful candidates will obtain the “CTR – Certified Trail Rater” title and can commercially offer to rate trails under a license agreement.