5.0 February 2025 Release (full article here)
Major release this time, we’ve added many tweaks here and there and most notably added more guidelines for signage.
- Improved goals and guiding principles page to better explain the goals of ITRS
- New page to better explain the ITRS Terminology and building blocks to align with the ITRS Trail Rating app
- Expanded ITRS approximate comparison with other trail rating systems
- Added reading examples of ITRS based terrain signage
- Added ITF (Intrinsic Trail Features) and TTF (Technical Trail Features) page to better explain ITRS Terminology and building blocks to align with the ITRS Trail Rating app
- Added in depth explanation for the technical specification (now with drawings)
- Added Wallrides rating guidelines in the Technical Difficulty chart
- Minor tweaks to some values in the Technical Difficulty chart
- Added guidelines for trail signage with examples of suggested usage with minimalistic and complete versions
- Added guidelines to provide whole trail technical ratings (with shares of technical difficulty in percent of the trail length)
- Updated the possible signage archetypes
- Updated route signage guidelines with more examples
- Updated graphics package
- The Nutshell now also includes Spanish
4.4 May 2024 Release
- Refined logic to determine the overall technical difficulty rating of a route: The percentage of a route that can be of higher technical difficulty than given in the ITRS route pie was increased to 5%, but none of the harder trail segments can be longer than 500 m.
- Adaptations and refinements in trail specification of technical difficulty (surface types, maximum grade, average grade, corner radii, terminology for trail width, ). All in a way that previous ratings would not get harder, but in future could in some cases be rated easier.
- Refined definition of water supply ratings within wilderness factor to be more objective
- Updated description of rescue options ratings within wilderness factor to be more objective
- Included dangerous plants under dangerous wildlife within wilderness factor
- Norway and Australia added to the system comparison
- Correction of typos
- Updated endurance level calculator: It now shows how close the route is to the next higher level to support a manual judgment if one should rate the route higher in case, e.g., the climbs are not on a road but on technical trails.
- ITRS-Nutshell: Correction of typos in French version
4.3 March 2024 Release
- Correction of typos and small adaptations
4.2.1 January 2024 Release
- Correction of typos in the full document, biker’s document not affected.
4.2 December 2023 Release (full article here)
- Added a fifth level in the Endurance factor,
- better clarified relationship between Endurance factor and E-Bikes,
- tweaked some values in the ITRS technical difficulty Technical specification of the difficulty levels chart,
- refined the short description of tech levels for bikers & added trail examples,
- added a reading example of the ITRS “route pie”,
- added trail structure terminology page,
- revised endurance formula for the addition of 5th level,
- added clarifications and important comments on exposure ratings,
- added important considerations for rating the wilderness factor,
- introduced a wording to differentiate with in one tech level,
- added page to better explain possible signage archetypes,
- added example of ITRS Implementation in the Lake Garda area in Trentino (Italy) designed by Max2 GmbH,
- updated ITRS Team contacts,
- updated the acknowledgements page,
- correction of typos.
4.1.2 March 2023 Release
- Added color blind feature in pie chart visualisation,
- tweaked some values in the ITRS technical difficulty Technical specification of the difficulty levels chart,
- added translations in French, German & Italian of key ITRS aspects,
- updated the “Goals & guiding principles of the ITRS”,
- correction of typos,
- updated the acknowledgements page.
3.21 May 2022 Release
This was the first public release of ITRS.