Training Details and Pricing

Details and pricing on the ITRS trainings:

1 – ITRS Basics

✔︎ 0.5 day
✔︎ In person for the beginning, in future online and on demand (pre-recorded) including Q&A via mail
✔︎ Explaining the structure and details of the ITRS, as well as the philosophy behind the ITRS.
✔︎ Recommendations on application of the ITRS for trails and routes.
✔︎ Requires registration and subscription to newsletter to stay up to date (applies to all other levels, too)

For whom is this? (Examples)
✔︎ Individuals interested in ITRS
✔︎ Small volunteer groups that want to rate trails according to ITRS
✔︎ Everybody who aspires a higher level

€ 60 per person

Plus covering travel expenses of ITRS Expert (in case it is held in person)

2 – ITRS Interactive TraininG

✔︎ 1 day
✔︎ Builds on Level 1
✔︎ Live and in person by ITRS Expert
✔︎ Short update on ITRS and most of the day practical rating exercise in field
✔︎ Discussion of difficult rating cases
✔︎ Can be at the customer or at an ITRS training partner site, e.g. Swiss Bike Park or IMBA Italia

For whom is this? (Examples)
✔︎ Larger volunteer groups
✔︎ Trail builders
✔︎ Destination consultants
✔︎ Employees of destinations that want to apply the ITRS
✔︎ Guides that want to use the ITRS to describe their tours
✔︎ Everybody who aspires a higher level

€ 200 per person with minimum 3 participants

Plus covering potential travel expenses of ITRS Expert

3 – Certified ITRS Trail Rater Training

✔︎ 2 days training plus 1 day examination (training without examination is possible)
✔︎ Building on level 2
✔︎ Theoretical and practical training to use the ITRS trail rating app
✔︎ Explanation of ITRS ecosystem and the roles within
✔︎ 1 day examination – candidates will rate a complete route and document that appropriately with the ITRS app.
✔︎ This will be examined by an ITRS Expert to assure the candidate applies the ITRS correctly and consistently according to the required certification standards
✔︎ Successful candidates will obtain the “CTR – Certified Trail Rater” title and can commercially offer to rate trails under a license agreement
✔︎ Mandatory participation in annual online meetings of certified ITRS Trail Raters and ITRS experts to keep the title (free of charge – physical meetings can be attended on top but with a participation fee depending on the venue)

For whom is this? (Examples)
✔︎ Mandatory being an experienced mountain biker, ideally with a proven background in either bike guiding, skills training or trail building/maintenance
✔︎ Individuals that want to work as trail raters and offer their services, e.g., to destinations. 
✔︎ Destinations that want to establish an own CTR, achieve a consistent quality of trail ratings and aspire an ITRS Destinations Certificate

Training € 600 per person*
Examination € 300 per person*

4-day packages of level 1,2&3 trainings can be offered
License to operate as a CTR is for free but agreement needs to be in place
* Minimum 3 participants, plus covering potential travel expenses of ITRS Expert

The APP for the level 3 training (CTR – Certified Trail Rater education) is currently being tested by a selection of CTRs.