ITRS Updates

ITRS Update 4.4

Early May 2024 we released a major update of the ITRS on If you actively use the ITRS, please download the updated material and carefully read the below article.

Events Presentations

ITRS presented at Bike Festival Riva del Garda

Early May 2024 we presented the ITRS on the main stage of the Bike Festival in Riva del Garda. It was the 30 th anniversary of the festival. Since Garda Trentino was one of the first adopters of the ITRS and continues to support its propagation, Mischa gave a bit of background to the ITRS […]

ITRS Updates Press Release

ITRS Trail Rating App proved to enable consistent trail ratings

Consistently rated and communicated trails for more fun and safety, globally and locally. That’s the vision that we are striving for with the ITRS.


First Certified Trail Rater education successfully held

We are extremely proud that the first ever training and certification course for Certified Trail Raters (CTRs) of the ITRS (International Trail Rating System) came to such a successful conclusion. In early April, the ITRS Management Consortium (Trail Therapy GmbH and Edoardo Melchiori from TrailGeek Consulting) welcomed a highly motivated and experienced group from all […]

ITRS Updates

ITRS Releases update 4.2 with 5 endurance levels and other refinements

End of December 2023 we released a major update of the ITRS on If you actively use the ITRS, please download the updated material and carefully read the below article. During 2023 we were able to collect a lot of feedback on the ITRS. Especially from field applications of various destinations, from the trainings […]


Focus topic: Orientation – VELOPLAN Magazine

The December 2023 issue (4/23) of VELOPLAN, The specialist magazine for cycling and micro mobility focused on the topic of Orientation and signage with an article featuring the ITRS International Trail Rating System for mountain bike trails and routes. Garda Trentino in northern Italy is introducing a new mountain biking signage system to enhance the […]


Navigating New Trails: Survey Reveals Impact of ITRS on Mountain Biking at Lake Garda

Introduction Nestled in the breathtaking landscapes of Italy, Lake Garda has long been a paradise for mountain biking enthusiasts. The region, famed for its scenic trails and diverse terrain, is now at the forefront of a significant development in the world of mountain biking: the adoption of the International Trail Rating System (ITRS). The Need […]

Destinations Events Trainings

Trentino leads the way in ITRS adoption with latest ITRS training in Riva del Garda

Trentino Region strengthens its lead in ITRS adoption by training its staff on the basics of ITRS and how to assess MTB trails and routes.


SLAYING THE TRAIL RATING DRAGON – IMB International Mountain Bike Magazine

ITRS featured on an article on the issue 76 of IMB International Mountain Bike Magazine

Destinations Trainings

Interreg financed ITRS Training in Domodossola

ITRS training was delivered for the Unione Montana Alta Ossola, as part of the Interreg Cooperation Programme.