
ITRS is featured in Trail Builder Magazine

Edoardo and Mischa recently sat down with Sean Benesh from the Trail Builder Magazine for an in-depth discussion about the system’s origins, its impact, and where it’s headed next.


ITRS Team sits down for an interview with Greg Heil from Singletracks

Mischa and Edoardo recently engaged in an insightful Zoom conversation with Greg Heil from Singletracks, discussing the potential for the International Trail Rating System (ITRS) to standardize mountain bike trail ratings globally. This interview delved into the complexities and importance of creating a unified rating system that can be applied consistently across different regions and […]


Focus topic: Orientation – VELOPLAN Magazine

The December 2023 issue (4/23) of VELOPLAN, The specialist magazine for cycling and micro mobility focused on the topic of Orientation and signage with an article featuring the ITRS International Trail Rating System for mountain bike trails and routes. Garda Trentino in northern Italy is introducing a new mountain biking signage system to enhance the […]


SLAYING THE TRAIL RATING DRAGON – IMB International Mountain Bike Magazine

ITRS featured on an article on the issue 76 of IMB International Mountain Bike Magazine

Destinations Media

Bike Magazine talks about ITRS and Garda Trentino

The German magazine Bike Magazin talks about the Garda Trentino Rangers and the pilot project in Valle di Ledro adopting the ITRS Trail Rating System.